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Investor Relations

Share Information

Meyer Burger shares have been traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich since 23 November 2006. The holding company, Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, is registered in Thun, Canton Bern. You can find more detailed financial reporting information in our financial report.

Share price (MBTN)

The share graph shows the performance of the Meyer Burger share price (MBTN) as well as the trading volumes, comparisons and other key indicators. Furthermore, the period of the share performance can be set in the interactive graphic.

Stock market information (MBTN)

ISIN CH1357065999
Valor number 135706599
SIX Ticker Symbol MBTN
Reuters MBTN.S
Bloomberg MBTN SW
Trading currency CHF
Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange
Product Line Mid & Small Caps Swiss Shares
Trading 18.01.2010 -
Security type Registered share
Security segmentTitelsegment Swiss shares
Primary listed Yes
Nominal value pr registered shares CHF 7.50
Number of outstanding shares 31'655'524 per 1. July 2024
Clearing via SegaInterSettle AG
Industry Industrials
Sector Industrial Engineering
Subsector Industrial Machinery
Index member Swiss All Share Index, SPI, SPI EXTRA, SPI ex SLI, SPI ESG Wgt., SPI ESG
Accounting standard Swiss GAAP FER
Annual closing date 31 December
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, CH-500003
Registered Office Thun
Country Switzerland
Trade register Canton of Berne, No. CH-

Shareholder structure

Voting rights participation according to the disclosure notices received from these shareholders (06.01.2025 according to SIX).

Shareholder Participation
Sentis Capital PCC (Cell 3)1 15.23 %
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH 3.4 %
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG 3.14 %

1 The beneficial owner is Petr Kondrashev, Austria

Significant shareholdings are disclosed on the SIX Swiss Exchange platform.

Annexes to disclosure notifications
Meyer Burger Technology HQ Thun at night

Reporting Obligations

Investor notifications upon being above or below the threshold percentages in accordance with Article 120 ff. of the Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FMIA) in connection with Article 10 ff. FINMA Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance (FMIO-FINMA) should be made to:

Oliver Lotto
+41 (33) 221 2630

Schorenstrasse 39
3645 Gwatt (Thun)

The significant shareholders of the Meyer Burger Technology Ltd are published on the SIX Swiss Exchange website.

Click on the following URL to access the respective section of the SIX website:

SIX Swiss Exchange Significant Shareholders
10.03.2025 · Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Meyer Burger extends and upsizes bridge facility

Meyer Burger Technology AG today announces signing of an amendment to the bridge facility agreement (the “Facility”).

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06.03.2025 · Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Meyer Burger extends bridge facility

Meyer Burger Technology AG today announces an extension of the bridge facility agreement (the “Facility”).

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05.03.2025 · Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Meyer Burger extends bridge facility

Meyer Burger Technology AG today announces an extension of the bridge facility agreement (the “Facility”).

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