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Meyer Burger Modules and Thomas Edison Museum

Meyer Burger modules generate electricity in the birthplace
of light bulb inventor Edison

“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” The quote is said to come from Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time. Almost 100 years after his death, his vision is coming true right where he was born: on the roof of the Edison Birthplace Museum in Milan, Ohio, 19 all-black Meyer Burger Black modules are now providing green electricity.

The Edison home solar project, with a rated capacity of 7.13 kilowatt peak, is a collaboration between SolarEdge, Unirac, National Renewable Energy Partners and Meyer Burger. It was made possible by the donations of several forward-thinking solar manufacturers and installers, including SolarEdge, who provided the SolarEdge Home inverter and Power Optimizer solution, Meyer Burger, who provided the rooftop solar panels, as well as Unirac, who donated the solar racking system. National Renewable Energy Partners generously donated their expertise and labor to ensure the seamless installation of all of the most cutting-edge solar technology.

The benefits of this project extend beyond simply saving money on the now-museum’s monthly electric bills. Edison’s birthplace and museum will now offer visitors an opportunity to understand his groundbreaking electricity discoveries in a journey that includes solar. Edison’s solar energy installation will become a staple of the museum itself, and visitors will have the unique opportunity to learn more about Edison’s historic affinity for optimizing and exploring the most efficient, energy sources. Edison’s legacy, as a pioneer in energy innovation, lives on, in his birthplace museum, which is now powered by the sun, a vision he did not live to see, but no doubt would have been inspired to see.

Thomas Edison’s birthplace and museum, in historic Milan, Ohio, is now officially powered by solar energy, paying homage to Edison's monumental contributions to the development and innovation in electricity. To celebrate this monumental, transformative moment, a celebration was held today, and in attendance were not only Edison’s relatives and family but also the honorable Mayor, Pam Crosby.

Thomas Edison’s birthplace and museum

Ron Cull, a board member of the Thomas Edison Birthplace Museum, inspired this project.  He wanted to integrate solar power into this landmark, as a means to strengthen and reiterate Edison’s visionary work on the evolution of electricity." By incorporating solar energy into theframework of the museum, we are not only embracing sustainability but also enriching the story of electricity, from its inception to its modern-day applications," said Cull.

"We are thrilled to be part of this visionary project," remarked Michelle Graef, Senior Marketing Manager of Meyer Burger. "By harnessing the power of the sun, we are honoring Thomas Edison's legacy while advancing the cause of renewable energy."

SolarEdge is the pioneer in renewable energy innovation, and they were thrilled to collaborate in this project, as a way to embody and realize their company’s mission.

"Our joint effort with Meyer Burger and the Thomas Edison Birthplace Museum underscores our commitment to sustainable energy solutions," said Bertrand Vandewiele, General Manager of SolarEdge North America. "Together, we are illuminating the path towards a cleaner, greener future  through showcasing the possibilities of sustainable alternatives to power generation."

Robert Wheeler, President of Board of Trustees, Edison Birthplace Association Inc., said, "We are making Edisons’ dream come true. We are powering history at the Edison Birthplace in a new way, thanks to SolarEdge and Meyer Burger.”

“As we install solar panels on the very home where Thomas Edison's legacy sparked generations of innovation, we are reminded of the enduring power of human ingenuity and its capacity to evolve. Today, we harness this spirit not only to create but to conserve, ensuring our planet remains as vibrant and full of potential as the light bulb once was to a darkened world,” said William Matthews, President, National Renewable Energy Partners.

“Thomas Edison, the quintessential American inventor, was a giant among innovators. His relentless pursuit of technological advancement continues to inspire us. It is our honor to donate a SolarMount® racking system to the birthplace of Thomas Edison. We celebrate that enduring spirit of innovation and continue to strive for a sustainable future of discovery,” said Ernest Gallegos, Director of Products, Unirac, Inc.

The installation of a solar system at the Thomas Edison Birthplace Museum represents a significant milestone in the journey towards a sustainable future. Through innovation, collaboration, and a shared commitment to environmental stewardship, Meyer Burger, SolarEdge, and the local community are illuminating the legacy of one of history's greatest inventors.

Meyer Burger Modules and Thomas Edison Museum