Solar roof tiles
Logistics information
Solar roof tiles
Warranty Conditions
Solar roof tiles
Certificates, test reports and manufacturer's declarations
Approval, building permit and EC conformity
Fire resistance and fire behavior
Fire resistance classification report - glass/foil solar modules
Fire resistance classification report - glass/glass solar modules
Fire classification report - glass/glass solar modules
Fire protection class certificate (UNI 9177) - Meyer Burger White (IT)
Fire protection class certificate (UNI 9177) - Meyer Burger Glass (IT)
Brochures and texts

Virtual factory tour

Meyer Burger Quality & Certification Lab

Size does matter - a comparison of modules

References and projects

Meyer Burger YouTube channel
Product images

Meyer Burger Black 375 – 395 W, 1767 × 1041 mm

Meyer Burger White 380 – 400 W, 1767 × 1041 mm
The use of all Meyer Burger logos requires the prior approval of Meyer Burger and must be requested by e-mail to before publication.
Press Photos
The use, reproduction and distribution of the images, documentations and videos provided by Meyer Burger on its website is only permitted in connection with Meyer Burger and with the source “Meyer Burger” clearly indicated.